hypothesis testing ; testing of hypothesis

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Term Definition
English hypothesis testing ; testing of hypothesis
French hypothèse à tester ; test d'hypothèse ; vérification d'hypothèse
German Hypothesentest
Dutch hypothese toetsing
Italian ipotesi da verificare
Spanish hipótesis nula ; test de hipótesis ; contraste de hipótesis
Catalan tests d'hipòtesis, contrasts d'hipòtesis
Portuguese teste de hipóteses ; testagem de hipóteses
Romanian -
Danish -
Norwegian -
Swedish hypotesprövning
Greek έλεγχος υπόθεσης
Finnish hypoteesin testaus
Hungarian hipotézisvizsgálat
Turkish hipotez sınaması ; hipotez testi
Estonian hüpoteeside kontroll
Lithuanian hipotezės tikrinimas
Slovenian preizkušanje domnev ; statistično preizkušanje domnev
Polish testowanie hipotez
Russian Проверка гипотезы
Ukrainian Перевірка гіпотез
Serbian тестирање хипотезе
Icelandic tilgátuprófun ; prófun tilgáta
Euskara hipotesi-test ; hipotesi-kontraste
Farsi -
Persian-Farsi آزمون فرض
Arabic اختبار الفرضيات
Afrikaans hipotesetoetsing
Chinese 假 设 检 验
Korean 가설검정[검증]