Accreditation of Statisticians
Active Accreditation programmes
Accreditation provides formal recognition by a statistical society of an individual’s statistical qualifications and professional training and experience.
Some well known and respected Statistical Societies have Accreditation programs in place, such as the Royal Statistical Society (RSS), the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA), the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), and the American Statistical Association (ASA).
This webpage may serve as an information base to the subsequent accreditation programmes of different societies. This can be helpful to those who are looking for information on accreditation programmes and for societies that are planning to put accreditation programmes in place themselves.
If you know of any society having a programme in place that you think needs to be included here, please let us know.
ISI’s role in Accreditation
The ISI Council discussion came forward, whether ISI as an international statistical organization has a role in accreditation as well. It was decided to ask two ISI Council members (Mr. Lawrence Cox and Mr. Geoff Lee) and the ISI Director (Ms. Ada van Krimpen) to draft a document about ISI’s possible role in this regard. In the ISI Council meeting of 17 July 2012 in Rome the document was presented.
The ISI Council and EC welcomed the document and also endorsed the idea of presenting it online and inviting the ISI members to comment.
Since August 2012, the document is available on the ISI website as Discussion Paper on Accreditation of Statisticians: The Cases for and against an ISI strategy. Your views and comments are very welcome. Please send them to the ISI Permanent Office.
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