Scientific Journals
ISI and its seven Associations are dedicated to providing a diverse array of journals, magazines, and newsletters. To support statistician with a greater access to the world of data, we strive to be the main source for comprehensive and insightful publications.

International Statistical Review
ISI Newsletter
These journals each focus on the particular areas of statistical interest of the Association.
- TIES: Environmetrics
- IASS: The Survey Statistician
- IASC: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (CSDA)
- ISBIS: Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (ASMBI)
- IAOS: Statistical Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics (SJIAOS)
- Bernoulli Society: Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA)
- Bernoulli Society: Bernoulli Journal
- IASE: Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ)
- IASE: International Statistical Literacy Project Newsletter