About Us
Established in 1885, the International Statistical Institute is a non-profit, non-government organisation, with individual and institutional members in over 150 countries.
It's main objective is to promote the understanding, development, and good practice of statistics worldwide by providing a welcoming environment for advancing statistical knowledge, learning best practices, sharing state-of-the-art developments, and by creating opportunities to network.
138 Years of History
Throughout its 138 years of history, the ISI has been a truly international organisation that has been bringing together statisticians of all different specializations and from different parts of the world to realise its mission of good understanding, development, and practice of Statistics.
Consultative Status with the United Nations
Since 1947 the ISI has had consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. This allows us to participate in the annual meeting of the United Nations Statistical Commission and other relevant United Nations' activities.
Network Around the World
The ISI network includes most of the national statistical offices around the world, and it also has links with international statistical organisations from the United Nations and others, and selected professional societies.
The international statistical community has provided me with robust challenge and support throughout my career. That's what colleagues do! And that's what you will find at the ISI.
Stephen Penneck, ISI President (2021-2023)
ISI Family
The ISI, its seven Associations and its organisational members make up the ISI family with members from over 150 countries.
Our work and influence within the international statistical community are supported by standing and operational committees, special interest groups and regional networks. We cover a range of statistical areas and interests.
The ISI comprises a central core of eminent statisticians and seven Associations, each focusing on a different area of statistics.
ISI's Portfolio
Our biennial World Statistics Congresses are well known and bring together several thousands of statisticians.
In addition, numerous smaller meetings, conferences and workshops take place under the auspices of the ISI and its Associations.
The ISI’s portfolio also includes the publication of several professional and scientific journals.
The ISI’s Permanent Office, located in The Hague in The Netherlands, supports the members of ISI and its Associations.
Global Reach
The ISI is unmatched in its global reach among statisticians and those interested in the field of statistics.
We are also an association which connects to many international and national organisations, including national statistical societies, with a special focus on organisations in or supporting developing regions of the world.
A majority of the world’s central bureaus of statistics and many central banks are represented within the ISI network of institutional members.
Organisation Structure
Mission & Strategy
Our Connections
Annual reports
Statutes, By-Laws & Policies
Founders of Statistics
Recognition and capacity development

Prestigious awards of ISI and its Associations recognize statistical achievements and accomplishments.

ISI obtains and administers support for members from low and middle income countries / regions to attend an extensive variety of international conferences. For starters, they receive extra discount on the registration fee for our World Statistics Congresses.

We also develop and deliver statistical capacity development programmes, often in partnership with other stakeholders. These programmes include workshops/webinars to develop skills, and leadership and mentoring programs.

ISI organizes activities to promote the careers of young statisticians.
64th ISI World Statistics Congress
WSC 2025 will take place from 5 to 9 October 2025 in The Hague, The Netherlands.