The International Statistical Institute is pleased to announce the results of the 2023 competition for the Jan Tinbergen Awards. These biennial awards, named after the famous Dutch econometrician, are for best papers by young statisticians in addressing statistical problems of real relevance in building statistical capacity in countries with limited statistical infrastructure.
Our warm congratulations to the winners of the 2023 ISI Jan Tinbergen Awards.
Division A: General – Renata Rojas Guerra
The winner in Division A: General is Ms Renata Rojas Guerra from Brazil for her paper ‘The Kumaraswamy generalized autoregressive score model for the quantiles of double-bounded hydro-environmental time series’.

Papers in Division A: General are to address an applied statistical problem of real interest in countries with a limited statistical infrastructure (developing countries). Such problems could relate to an economic, social or political development relevant to a developing country or region. The main criteria are statistical and/or data quality, innovation and quality of exposition and communication. The paper can make contributions in one or more of the following areas: generation of new methodological development, meeting the challenge of gathering reliable data in developing regions, and innovative application of statistical methods to a significant problem in order to benefit a developing country or region.
Such problems could arise in any of the sciences, engineering, economics, health, agriculture or business areas.”
Division B: Statistical Systems - Ana Gabriela Faria da Silva
The winner in Division B: Statistical Systems is Ana Gabriela Faria da Silva from Brazil for her paper ‘Exploring the Use of Web Pages Texts, in Brazilian Portuguese, for Classifying Main Economic Activity of Companies’

"Papers in Division B: Statistical Systems may be on any topic that directly addresses the development and improvement of statistical systems in countries with limited statistical infrastructure (developing countries). The main criteria are innovative and significant contribution to statistical progress in government or government organisations in a developing country, and quality of exposition and communication. Contributions could be in innovative applications of existing statistical methods, or application of new sources and innovative data collection and production.”
About the Award
The ISI Jan Tinbergen Awards are named after the famous Dutch econometrician and Nobel Prize winner, and are sponsored by the Dutch ‘Stichting Internationaal Statistisch Studiefonds’ (International Statistical Study Fund Foundation). The aim of the Foundation is to offer assistance to developing countries in the statistical domain.
The International Statistical Institute received twenty three submissions for Division A: General and eleven submissions for Division B: Statistical Systems. Of each Division, one best paper was selected winner of the Jan Tinbergen Award. We are grateful for the outstanding work of the Jan Tinbergen Selection Committee, chaired by Professor Alexandra M. Schmidt, who have reviewed with expertise and thoroughness all thirty four applications.
International Statistical Institute and the members of the selection committee warmly congratulate the ISI Jan Tinbergen Awards Winners. The winners will present their papers at the 64th ISI WSC in July 2023.