Associations' News

2024 Young Statistician Prize Results

24 June 2024
YSP 2024

Announcement of Results of 2024 Young Statisticians Prize

The International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) is pleased to announce the results of the 2024 IAOS Young Statisticians Prize. A total of 23 submissions were received in 2024, from 35 authors / coauthors, and 21 different countries. Through a two-stage process, an international panel assessed the papers for their scientific/strategic merit, originality, applicability in statistical offices and quality of exposition. 

The winner will present their paper at a mutually agreed international conference. Winning papers are also eligible to be published in a future issue of the SJIAOS.

The IAOS would like to congratulate the winners and thank all entrants. We would also like to thank the International Judging panel for their efforts.

The winning papers are:

1st place

          Ms. Manel Sloken, Mr. Jel Vankan and Mr. Peter-Paul de Wolf (Statistics Netherlands): From COACH to COACH+: Automating Output Checking with Human-in-the-Loop

2nd place

          Mr. Alexander Imbrogno (Statistics Canada): Including Non-Binary Gender in the Calibration Strategy for the Canadian Long-Form Sample Survey Weights

3rd place

          Mr. Adrian Urban and Mr. Simon Rommelspacher (Federal Statistical Office Germany): RUMS – how to compare structures of enterprise groups?

The special commendation for a paper from a developing nation is awarded to

          Ms. Carmelita G Esclanda-Lo, Ms. Chelsea Anne Ong and Mr. Gabriel Masangkay (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Philippines): E-Commerce Price Index Prediction with Time Series Mining and Automated Machine Learning

This is Netherland’s 1st first place, with Canada & Germany adding to their medal tally. Canada remains at the top of the ‘Olympic medal’ leader board with four ‘gold’ medals. This is the first ‘medal’ for The Philippines.

Nancy McBeth