Calls & Announcements

Call for IASS Conference Support 2024

27 May 2024

The International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) will consider providing financial support for workshops, conferences and similar events that:

  • promote the study and development of the theory and practice of statistical surveys and censuses and associated subjects, and
  • foster interest in these subjects among statisticians, organisations, governments, and the general public in different countries of the world.

The proposed conference, workshop or similar event must be well governed, with a clear organising
structure (virtual or in-person), and an ability to account for the funding provided, in addition to give
the IASS visible credit for the support provided. Preference will be given to:

  • activities that promote sharing of knowledge and practice across a number of countries which would not normally have opportunities to share such knowledge and practice;
  • facilitating attendance at such activities by people who would be otherwise unlikely to be able to attend, but whose presence would add appreciable value to the activity in terms of furthering IASS objectives; this attendance may be by a participant from a developing country, or a student, or it may be in terms of a teacher/presenter who would particularly enrich the event, who would otherwise be unlikely to attend; and
  • forms of assistance that support IASS membership attendance at the event.

To apply for support, please send a document project, including a budget sheet, to IASS President Natalie Shlomo ([email protected]) and in cc to IASS President Elect Partha Lahiri ([email protected]) before 30 June 2024

Applications should address the criteria set out above and comply with the mission of IASS. The total amount of funds available under this scheme will be € 1,800 in one year and will be shared to support more than one project.