
Connect, learn, and grow by attending the ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

25 June 2024
Denise Britz do Nascimento Silva

Looking for knowledge sharing, professional development, networking, happy moments and valuable memories? Join us for the ISI World Statistics Congress 2025 in The Hague. 

At the risk of repeating myself or copying those who are also WSC enthusiasts, I start this blog by highlighting the variety of activities and various topics the World Statistics Congress embraces. The scope of the Congress reflects the expertise diversity of the ISI family, with its associations and committees, and goes beyond. On every occasion, besides presentations and debates tackling current challenges, practices and methods, novel emerging topics are introduced. International colleagues, from various professional backgrounds and with different points of view, come together expanding the boundaries of what we may call the statistics and data science community. Also, although technical, the event creates a welcoming environment for people from all over the world.

The World Statistics Congresses are lively and nicely busy with around 2000 participants and generally more than 250 sessions. There are also short courses, satellite meetings, social events and other activities. Have a look on past events

Have you already attended a WSC? If yes, how many? Did you learn new things and met new people with whom you have liaised after the congress? Did someone you have never met before get interested in your work and your ideas? If you did participate in more than one WSC, have you had that nice feeling of re-encountering a professional colleague from the other side of the world also attending the congress? 

And, if you have never attended a WSC, join us next year in The Hague. Ask a colleague who has attended WSC before about his/her experience and get in touch with me before or during the congress. It will be a pleasure to meet you.

My first WSC experience was in Florence in 1993, together with Brazilian friends from the University of Southampton. We were all PhD students at that time. The trip was by car… an English car. Pedro Silva, who 22 years later became ISI president, was the driver who took the Brazilian troupe from the island to the continent in a car whose driver's seat was on the right side. Participation in the ISI congress in 1993 was a landmark for me. Since then, I attended all WSC events except unfortunately the 2021 online edition, when my mother was seriously ill. The congresses provided precious opportunities for professional collaboration and dialogue, for learning about innovative projects and liaising with their authors, and a friendly forum to present my work. Over the years I could also witness and experience the post-WSC benefits. WSC participants always take home new knowledge to share with colleagues who do not to attend the congress, as well as state-of-the-art insights and ideas to investigate or implement in their own countries. Moreover, we find open doors to establish new collaborations.

The ISI World Statistics Congress attractive and productive statistical ambience offers so much for all participants during and after the event, that it has stayed actual, innovative and needed over decades (more than one century after the first one). And it’s an exciting time, the preparations for the 65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025 are in full motion. 

Follow the WSC news and see you in the The Hague

Denise SIlva
ISI's Vice-President (2023-2027)