
ISI Magazine

26 August 2024
Fabrizio Ruggeri

I am writing to remind you of my May blog post, in which I invited ISI members to take an active role in organising local events and to promote the ISI Academy Mentoring Programme. This initiative aims to support volunteers (from ISI and its Associations) who are willing to teach courses in developing countries. Please take a moment to read my blog and get back to me with your proposals.

This time, I would like to introduce the idea of preparing an ISI Magazine, which would be published 2-3 times a year. I would appreciate your feedback on the suggestions below, as well as any other ideas you may have for the magazine. We are also looking for individuals who are interested in being involved in its production.

I am now seeking names of individuals, with relevant experience, for the following (unpaid) roles: 

  • Editor in Chief: a person with ideas, energetic, ambitious, willing to produce a “must read”
  • Production Manager: a person able to use software to assemble papers and prepare a nice-
    looking magazine

Names should be accompanied by a short cv showing that the person is qualified for the job. Please contact me (Fabrizio Ruggeri) at by 15 September 2024.

General ideas:

  • Level of papers between scientific journal and newsletter, using sound science but layman
  • Appealing to a very broad audience, especially, but not only, all members in the ISI family
  • Topics for different levels, from academia to business, industry, public organizations
  • Very diverse authors (geography, gender, job, career stage, etc.)

Specific ideas:

  • Individual stories/interviews
  • Common topics (e.g. climate change, open data) with input from all the Associations
  • A word from the ISI President (or EC member)
  • Our world in Data: dashboards showcasing Stats from around the world
  • Stats on Stats: statistics about our profession (e.g. number of students graduating for country, data on salaries) with the help of National Statistical Offices
  • Hello! i.e. photo, bio, statement by members, especially new ones or Council members, and list of new members/longstanding members 
  • Jobs
  • Young statisticians’ section
  • Cultural insights, e.g. attitude towards Statistics and statisticians over time and space (e.g. how the attitude towards Bayesian Statistics has changed over time)
  • Regional insights, e.g. Statistics and statisticians in a country/area
  • Current hot research topics
  • Section on Open problems
  • History of Statistics
  • Teaching of Statistics and Mathematics
  • Mathematics & Statistics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Tutorials on (general purpose) software
  • (Limited) conference announcements
  • Conferences reviews with info about slides, recordings, papers
  • Questions/answers section on relevant topics
  • Opinions at Random: opinions by a member of our community on specific themes
  • Information on recent relevant papers/webinars/projects
Fabrizio Ruggeri
ISI President-Elect