
Listen now! Audiobook 'Statistics Behind the Headlines' freely available

04 June 2024

The Stats+Stories podcast team announces the release of the audiobook version of “Statistics Behind the Headlines” read by the show’s very own John Bailer and Rosemary Pennington. This audiobook explores the crucial role statistics play in understanding the news, promises to enlighten and empower listeners in deciphering the complexities of today’s world.

Statistics Behind the Headlines” provides clarity in an information-saturated culture, equipping listeners with the tools needed to critically analyse the numbers shaping our world. Through interesting narratives and real-world examples, Bailer and Pennington demystify statistical concepts, empowering listeners to interrogate the data behind the headlines.

Whether it’s understanding the impact of social media on teen depression, new running shoes on record marathon times, binge-watching television on health, or understanding the spread of COVID-19, this audiobook serves as a guide for anyone seeking to deconstruct news to determine what statistical and research ideas are the foundations for stories. It also provides insight into the journalistic practices that shape the production of news.

To listen to this audiobook go to Stats & Stories. To pick up a physical copy of the book, please visit Routledge Press.

A. John Bailer