Members’ News

In Memoriam: Christophe Perruchet (1955 - 2011)

26 June 2011
in memoriam

Christophe Perruchet, 55, died suddenly on June 3, 2011 in a road accident. He was ISI elected member since 1991.

christophe peruchet

Born in November 1955, he graduated from the ISUP school of statistics in 1978, and he obtained a Ph.D. at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris) in 1979. The subject of his Ph.D. was “classification sous contrainte de contiguité continue : applications aux sciences de la terre” ( cluster analysis with continuous contiguity constraints; applications to earth sciences).

Christophe Perruchet chaired the technical group 69 (application of statistical methods) of the International Standardization Organization (ISO/TC69). He was General Technical Director of the UTAC, the French technical union for car and automotive industries and drived the main certification and controlling programs.

He began his professional activity in the 80’s at CNET, the French National Center for Telecommunication Studies , now Orange Labs , before joining the UTAC.

He published with Marc Priel “Estimer l’incertitude – mesures, essais” at the Editions of the French Association for Standardization (AFNOR). This book is a reference in the domain of measure, uncertainty and statistics.

Christophe Perruchet was a specialist of the applications of statistics in metrology and standardisation. He played an important role in national and international professional bodies and was active in statistical societies, especially in classification ones: in 1985 he founded on behalf of the Société Francophone de Classification, together with five other societies, the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS).

His hobby was riding motorbikes. He was well-known among French biker associations as a voluntary trainer. Despite his cautiousness, his last ride was fatal.

Gilbert Saporta
Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris