Dr. Vera Nyitrai passed away on 17th February 2011. She was aged 85 and elected as an ISI member in 1980.
Dr. Nyitrai was director of the Hungarian Statistical Office (KSH) during the years 1980, just before the Hungarian transition towards democracy and market economy. Under her leadership, the KSH became one of the most advanced statistical office in Eastern and Central Europe, in particular in the domain of social statistics.
Dr. Nyitrai’s role in the ISI deserves consideration. Dr. Nyitrai was very active as one of the initiators of the IAOS the creation of which was decided during the ISI Centennial session held in Amsterdam in 1985. She organized two meetings in Hungary (in Budapest, then on the shore of the Lake Balaton) to prepare the statutes of the future IAOS. The IAOS first General Assembly was held during the Tokyo session in 1987 and Dr. Nyitrai was elected as its first President. During the same session I was elected as the IAOS President-Elect and had the privilege to assist Dr. Nyitrai in the implementation of this new section.
Jean-Louis Bodin