Committee on Women in Statistics

Objectives and Expected Products
- To promote and strengthen the representation of women statisticians in the ISI and its Associations.
- To help in providing opportunities for women members to assume active and visible roles in the ISI and other statistical associations.
- To collect information on women in the statistical professions in different countries and to facilitate the flow of information among women statisticians.
- To stimulate interest in statistics among women and encourage women students in schools and colleges to study statistics.
- To support the compilation of statistics on women, with a view to generating relevant studies concerning women’s roles in the various activities in their countries.
Committee's Website
ISI Committee on Women in Statistics (
- International Day Of Women In Statistics And Data Science - The ISI and it’s Committee on Women in Statistics are proud sponsor of two sessions at the IDWSDS 2024 Conference. This inspiring event is organised and hosted on 8 October 2024 by the Caucus for Women in Statistics and Data Science. The conference can be joined virtually for free.
- Webinar: Embrace Equality in the Changing World of Statistics (25 April 2024; video)
- Webinar: Value of Networking and Mentoring to Achieve Your Best: Do you have to be a Superwoman to be Successful? (8 November 2023; video)
- CW-ISI sponsored the second International Day for Women in Statistics and Data Science 2023 (IDWSDS) Global Virtual Conference, held on 10 October 2023 by organizing a Session S28 entitled: "Empowering Women’s Position in Scientific Research and Statistical Organizations for a Better World: Focusing on Selected European Countries”.

- The details are in the IDWSDS 2023 Program Book.
- Webinar: Women statisticians in ISI, how to advance your career? (23 March 2023; video)
- International Day for Women in Statistics and Data Science (IDWSDS) 2022 Virtual Conference
- Working Group on International Year of Women in Statistics and Data Science
- CWS Report 2021
- CWS Report on Networking Reception and Roundtable Discussions, at ISI WSC 2017
- CWS Report on Networking Reception and Roundtable Discussions, at ISI WSC 2015
- CWS Report 2015
- CWS Report 2014
- CWS Report 2013
- CWS Report 2011
Supporting network: country/region representatives
- Grace Bediako, National Development Planning Commission, Ghana
- Annette Okoth, Masinde Muliro University, Kenya
- Adedayo Adepoju, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
- Eidth Umeh, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
- Eno Akarawak, University of Lagos, Nigeria
- Lao Kenao, Ministry of Agriculture, Togo
- Sheila S. Mudenda, Central Statistical Office, Zambia
- Nifarta Peingurta Andrew, Institute for Human Virology, Nigeria
Asia and Oceania
- Gayatri Vishwakarma, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Inst & Research Centre, India
- Michiko Watanabe, Management Committee, Keio University, Japan
- Tae Rim Lee, Korea National Open University, Republic of Korea
- Allyson Seyb, Stats NZ, New Zealand
- Saleha Naghmi Habibullah, Kinnaird College for Women, Pakistan
- Cathy Chen, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
- Nedret Billor, Auburn University, Turkey/USA
- Mara Sherlin Talento, PhD Student at KAUST (UAE), Phillippines
- Eileen Capilit, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Phillippines
Europe and North America
- Diana Stukel, Management Committee, FHI 360, Canada/USA
- Blagica Novkovska, University for Tourism and Management in Skopje, North Macedonia
- Marjut Pietiläinen, Statistics Finland, Finland
- Elizabetta Carfagna, University of Bologna, Italy
- Eva Laczka, Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Hungary
- Maria Ivette Leal de Carvalho Gomes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Zagorka Lozanov-Crvenkovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Emma Rourke, ONS, UK
- Cathy Furlong, Integrity Management Services, USA
- Amanda Golbeck, Management Committee, University of Arkansas, USA
- Jiayang Sun, George Mason University, USA
- Shili Lin, Management Committee, Ohio State University, USA
- Besa Shahini, University of Tirana, Albania
- Arijana Amina Ramic, Assistant Head of Unit at Federal Statistical Office of Germany, Germany
- Tetiana Kobylynska, Department of Economic Security, Public Management and Administration Polytechnic State University, Ukraine
- Milica Maricic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Vassiliki Benaki, Hellenic Statistical Authority, Greece
- Olena Motuzka, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, Kyiv, Ukraine
Latin America
- Diana Kelmansky, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Teresita Evelina Terán, National University of Rosario, Argentina
- Cristina Cuesta, National University of Rosario, Argentina
- Mariza de Andrade, Mayo Clinic, Brazil
- Vera Tomazella, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil
- Mercedes Andrade Bejarano, Universidad del Valle Cali, Colombia
- Leticia Ramirez, CIMAT, Mexico
- Ana Gabriela Faria da Silva, IBGE, Brazil
- Renata Rojas Guerra, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil
Middle East
- Reem Elsybaey, CAPMAS, Egypt
- Embarika Farouk Abouellail, CAPMAS, Egypt
- Nehall Ahmed Farouk, Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, Egypt
- Manal Sweidan, Department of Statistics, NSO, Jordan
- Nadia Lkhoulf, High Commission for Planning, Morocco
- Bouchra Bouziani, High Commission of Planning, Morocco
- Rania Abu Ghaboush, Palestine Central Bureau of Statistics, Palestine
- Latifa Al Shehhi, Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority (FCSA), United Arab Emirates
ISI PO Committee Liaison
- Olivia van Dijck-Timbol
Members of the Committee

Ksenija Dumičić

Advisory Member
Ada van Krimpen

Abosede Adedayo Adepoju

Amanda Golbeck

Member (Webmaster)
Janet van Niekerk

Shili Lin

Leticia Ramirez-Ramirez

Eileen Capilit

Member (2024 – Present)
Ayse Bilgin

Liaison with the ISI PO
Olivia van Dijck-Timbol
The Netherlands