Guidelines for ISI Outreach Committees

ISI Outreach Committees develop activities, networks and promote the ISI and its Associations in different regions. 

They are established by Council in accordance with the ISI Statutes and By-laws

  1. Chairs and Members of Outreach Committees must be members of ISI. 
  2. The Chair is appointed by the Executive Committee, and the members of the Committee are appointed by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Chair. In addition, the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Chair, may appoint a vice-chair.
  3. Chairs shall serve a maximum of four years (ISI By-law 10e). Chairs are appointed by the EC for two years in the first instance with re-appointment for a further two years at the discretion of the EC. In exceptional circumstances, a chair may be re-appointed for a further two years.
  4. Members shall serve a maximum of four years. Members are appointed for two years and re-appointed for a further two years after consultation with the Chair.
  5. The Executive Committee, in consultation with the Chair, may appoint a vice-chair.
  6. Each Outreach Committee submits an annual report on its activities to the Executive Committee and Council (ISI By-law 10d).
  7. Outreach Committees provide timely and regular updates and information on their objectives and activities for the ISI website.
  8. Outreach Committees shall consult with the Executive Committee on their objectives, activities, plans and the addition of member countries in their region.
  9. It is recognised that different regions may have different characteristics, including numbers of countries involved, and different operational requirements. Outreach Committees may be composed of one, or more, representatives from all the countries/region. To avoid the difficulties that can occur with large committees, it is suggested that an Outreach Committee of 15 or more members should have a management group of at least 4 members plus the Chair.
  10. Each Outreach Committee shall establish, maintain and promote an associated ISI Regional Network in their region, with each country in the region represented in the Network. The Network should also represent the diversity of ISI and its Associations and include representatives of young statisticians and women in statistics. Outreach Committees should encourage all members of their regional network to be members of ISI and/or its Associations.

July 2024