
Methods of Payment

Please choose one of the following options to pay. Incoming payments will be accepted in euros only.

Existing members



Individual members can make their membership and subscription payments through our special ISI and Associations’ Webshop. The Webshop allows you to process your payment by credit card or PayPal with complete security and discretion, taking advantage of the Ogone encrypted payment service.

Alternatively, or if you are an organizational member, you can use one of the alternative methods below.

New members



To join as individual member, you need to register an account in our ISI and Associations’ Webshop. After that, you continue by choosing your membership and paying in the Webshop as well.


New Members



Once you have joined through our website, you can process your membership and subscription payments through our electronic payment website and pay by credit card or PayPal. The payment website allows you to process your payment with complete security and discretion, taking advantage of the Ogoneencrypted payment service.

The software is not able to extract your membership fees automatically, therefore you have to fill in the total membership fee yourself. This amount will be deducted from your account in local currency at the daily exchange rate.

Alternative methods


Instead of the methods mentioned above, you can use one of the payment methods below.If you do not have a membership number yet, please use the temporary membership number 93000.



PayPal is offered as a payment option in the Webshop for individual members, and on the electronic payment website for organizational members.

Alternatively, you can make your payments at PayPal yourself. You need to send your payment in euros to the ISI account, by indicating the email address payments[at] and including your membership number.

Bank transfer


Or you can make your payments through a bank transfer.
Please be sure to inform your bank that all transaction costs are at your own expense.


The Netherlands

Two options:

  1. ING
    Postbus 94780
    1090 GT Amsterdam
    Account number: 239932
    IBAN: NL36INGB0000239932


  2. ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
    Postbus 19510
    2500 CM The Hague
    IBAN: NL71 ABNA 0511 5392 58