Founding Director of the African Centre for Statistics at the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Uganda

Professor Ben Kiregyera is a Statistical Consultant with DevInfCo in Kampala, Uganda, a position he has held since 1994. His statistical consultancy has focused mainly on the African Development Bank and other international organizations. He has been heavily involved in the development of statistics in Africa especially in the areas of statistical capacity building, training, designing National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS), agricultural statistics, etc. He is also a recipient of the highly coveted Prof. P. C. Mahalanobis International Award for lifetime achievement in statistics and promotion of best statistical practice in developing countries.

Professor Kiregyera has been a member of various international the Executive Boards, Steering Committees, Scientific Advisory Committee. He is the founder of the African Statistical Journal and the African Statistical Newsletter. He has published widely on statistical challenges and developments in Africa and is the author of the book on Emerging Data Revolution in Africa: Strengthening the Statistics, Policy and Decision-making Chain.