Yoav Benjamini
The 2019 Karl Pearson Prize
2019: Yoav Benjamini

Yoav Benjamini was awarded for his Benjamini-Hochberg 1995 paper “Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing” (J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 57, 1995, no. 1, 289–300).

Shyamala Nagaraj
Recipient of the 2015 ISI Service Awards
2015: Shyamala Nagaraj

For ISI’s regional initiatives in South East Asia, and for the inaugural ISI Regional Statistics Conference in 2014.

Toh Hock Chai
Recipient of the 2015 ISI Service Awards
2015: Toh Hock Chai

For ISI’s regional initiatives in South East Asia, and for the inaugural ISI Regional Statistics Conference in 2014.

Nicholas Fisher
Recipient of the 2015 ISI Service Awards
2015: Nicholas Fisher

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Stat.

Marc Hallin
Recipient of the 2015 ISI Service Awards
2015: Marc Hallin

Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Statistical Review.

Nancy Garcia
Recipient of the 2015 ISI Service Awards
2015: Nancy Garcia

Chair of the Local Programme Committee for the 60th ISI WSC.

Frank Samaniego
Recipient of the 2015 ISI Service Awards
2015: Frank Samaniego

Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee for the 60th ISI WSC.

United States
Irena Krizman
Recipient of the 2017 ISI Service Awards
2017: Irena Krizman

For outstanding and dedicated leadership and service to ISI and the international statistical community, in Statistical Capacity Building developments and innovations, including: ISI leadership workshops and meetings across Africa, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, UN World Data Forum in Cape Town, January 2017, and ISI side events to UNSC.

Hasnae Fdhil
Recipient of the 2017 ISI Service Awards
2017: Hasnae Fdhil

For outstanding and dedicated service to ISI2017, 61st WSC.

Belkacem Abdous
Recipient of the 2017 ISI Service Awards
2017: Belkacem Abdous

For outstanding and dedicated leadership and service as Local Programme Committee Chair ISI2017, 61st WSC
