08 Nov 2023

CW-ISI: Value of Networking and Mentoring to Achieve Your Best: Do you have to be a Superwoman to be Successful?

Date 08 Nov 2023
Time 12:00 (GMT+01:00) - 13:00 (GMT+01:00)
Level of instruction Beginner
Ayse Bilgin
M. Alejandra Sorto
Registration fee

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ISI Committee on Women in Statistics (CW-ISI) Free Webinar

8 November 2023 at 12.00-13.00 UTC (please check your local time and date here)

The webinar is free of charge. There will be room for comments and questions. The Webinar will be recorded.
Webinar duration: 60 minutes.

Speaker: Prof Ayse Aysin Bilgin

Abstract: What does a statistician do as part of her job whether she is an academic or working in industry? She works in teams and almost never alone. Therefore, the skills that facilitate working together are as important as the knowledge of statistics to be successful. Are you able to identify opportunities to become an integral part of your workplace? What is important? What is not? How can you create more time to deal with all interesting opportunities? Have you ever considered becoming a mentor or have you ever needed a mentor? How can you benefit from a mentor-mentee relationship? Do you have to be a superwoman to be successful? Are you able to value your own work? Some of these questions raised has been part of many research projects in workplaces, some in literature too. Come alone so that we can answer the questions together. I hope that you will be armed with more positive expectations of future possibilities and notice that how important to appreciate and acknowledge your own work and achievements.


Ayse Bilgin
Ayse Bilgin

About the instructor

BEng., MBA, MMaths, PhD, PostGradDip HE (L&T), MHE (L&M)
Ayse is an Associate Professor in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Macquarie University. She is the Past-President of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and an elected Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI). Ayse’s research explores applications of statistics in health sciences and learning and teaching in statistics. Ayse is an academic who uses her statistical knowledge to improve health and wellbeing as well as improving learning and teaching of statistics. Ayse was a recipient of several learning and teaching awards for her outstanding contributions to student learning such as an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for ‘Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning’, a Macquarie University VC Citation, ATEM Award Community Engagement (Highly Commended); Higher Education Award for Employability; joint-recipient of Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT), Excellence Award for Inter-Departmental Collaboration on Capstone Unit for BSc (Macquarie University). Her pedagogical research interests are focused on statistics education, such as learning approaches in statistics, work integrated learning in statistics, impact of learning spaces to students’ learning. She was awarded “Excellence in research: Five Future-shaping Priorities (Healthy People)” by Macquarie University and she was a member of research team which were the finalist of the Eureka Prize in 2017.

Alejandra Sorto
M. Alejandra Sorto

About the instructor

Dr. M. Alejandra Sorto is a Honduran American who earned her Ph.D. in Mathematics from Michigan State University, and she is currently a faculty member of the Mathematics Department at Texas State University. Her primary research activities involve the design, development, and analysis of instruments that measure constructs related to teacher knowledge, quality of instruction, and, discipline-based self-efficacy to teach. These instruments are used in the context of teachers’ knowledge of multilingual students, international comparison studies settings, and in the area of statistics/algebra teacher education. She has worked with the governments of Brazil, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, and South Africa to help improve the preparation of teachers in mathematics and develop educational standards. In 2011, the National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded her a CAREER research grant to investigate the Mathematics instruction of multilingual learners in the state of Texas.