25 Apr 2024

Embrace Equality in the Changing World of Statistics

Date 25 Apr 2024
Time 14:00 (GMT+02:00) - 15:00 (GMT+02:00)
Level of instruction Beginner
Registration fee


Committee on Women in Statistics Webinar

Date and time: Thursday 25 April 2024, 16:00–17:00 CEST

Invited Speaker 1: Donald Estep

Talk 1 title: “Chipping away at equity”

Donald Estep

It is widely recognized that talent and dedication are distributed across all communities, but opportunity and access to support and preparation are not. The desire to countervail this unequal access to opportunity and experience is broadly shared within university communities. Yet, despite popular support in the abstract, efforts to foster equity in practice often face significant hurdles. After describing some of the resistance and hurdles that equity programs face, I will attempt to make the case that concentrating on specific hurdles arising from identity-based inequalities enables the construction of concrete, effective strategies for promoting equity that can have a profoundly positive impact. I will base my talk on some of the experiences gained with the success of the equity aspects of programs offered by the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute.

Invited Speaker 2: Denise Silva

Denise Silva

Talk 2 title: “Gender statistics: substantive evidence to accomplish the equality challenges

High-quality public statistics are vital for a democratic society, being a source of information for decision-making, planning, and evaluation of public policies, as well as for the exercise of citizenship. Gender statistics, which reflect differences in the situation of women and men in all areas of life, constitute a valuable resource for the development of evidence-informed 
strategies to tackle inequalities. This talk highlights the importance of gender statistics, providing an overview of the main results linked to the sustainable development goals indicators, and also relates the findings to daily experiences of women’s lives.