21 Jun 2022

IASE: Statistical Learning Projects in Basic and Higher Education

Date 21 Jun 2022
Time 14:00 GMT+02:00 - 15:00 GMT+02:00
Level of instruction Beginner
Registration fee

Presented at: 21 June 2022; 21:00 UTC

Webinar duration: 90 minutes

Presenter(s): Mauren Porciuncula, Brazil

Information about the session

This Webinar gathers and synthesizes practices to promote the learning of Statistics developed in my academic trajectory, from more than twenty years of university experiences, as well as in the training of teachers for Basic Education. It starts with a love for Mathematics, followed by a passion for Teaching, and culminates in an enchantment for Statistics. These feelings stem from the understanding that the teacher is a subject who guides people's learning, based on their knowledge, and is not a mere holder of knowledge.

Video of webinar