14 Jun 2023

IASE: Statistics disinformation: contemporary challenges for social justice

Date 14 Jun 2023
Time 20:00 (GMT+02:00) - 21:30 (GMT+02:00)
Level of instruction Intermediate
Leandro Souza
Registration fee

14 June 2023; 20:00 UTC

Webinar duration: 90 minutes

Presenter: Leandro Souza, Brazil

I intend to connect two topics: statistics disinformation (fake news phenomena) and critical education. For that, I will work on three papers which bring results of our research and were published recently. "Fake News Phenomenon: Formation of Beliefs under Pragmatic Optics and Mathematical Education"; “O raciocínio de professores de matemática sobre amostragem e argumentos persuasivos nas redes sociais [Mathematics teachers' reasoning about sampling and persuasive arguments on social media]”; and “Creative insubordination in statistics teaching: Possibilities to go beyond statistical literacy”. What connects the three investigations is the aim of understanding the role of mathematics and statistics education in the process of strengthening democracy. Examples of how Statistics education may assist students to develop their identities and engage in problems and social contexts that assist in empowering them to act politically in the future will be discussed.

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Jozef Olenski
Leandro Souza

About the instructor

Postdoctoral degree in Education from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Doctor and Master in Science/Mathematics Teaching from Cruzeiro do Sul University, Degree in Pedagogy and Degree in Mathematics. I was a CAPES scholarship holder at the University of Auckland in New Zealand with research focused on Statistical Education. I have more than 10 years of experience teaching and working in basic education schools. I was a lecturer/researcher at the Federal University of Amazonas and I am currently a lecturer/researcher at the Federal University of Uberlândia (ICENP). I coordinate the research group GEMEC (Equity in Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Education Research Group) which is interested in investigating the desinformation phenomenon and its implication to the educational environment. I was a member of the National Executive Board of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education (SBEM) from 2016 to 2022.