IASS webinar 30: Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys: What We Have Achieved and What’s Next?
Date | 28 Jun 2023 |
Time | 12:00 (GMT+02:00) - 13:30 (GMT+02:00) |
Level of instruction | Beginner |
Instructor |
Haoyi Chen
Registration fee | |
Established by the UN Statistical Commission in 2015, the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys (ISWGHS) aims to foster improvement in the scope and quality of social and economic statistics as delivered through national, regional and international household survey programmes. Three major objectives of ISWGHS are (a) fostering coordination; (b) promoting advancement and harmonization of survey methodologies; and (c) communicating the importance of household surveys. As a collaborative group, ISWGHS is a platform to support the exchange of knowledge and experience among international agencies, national statistical offices, academic experts, the private sector and other key players. Such exchange will improve the flow of knowledge and experience among countries and assist in the scaling up of innovative approaches in countries with lower statistical capacity.The webinar will provide an overview of: (a) the outputs produced by the ISWGHS and how they support countries in making their household survey systems more coordinated and innovative; (b) the platform provided to support countries in exchanging knowledge and experience; and (c) the future work program following the paper on "Positioning Household Surveys for the Next Decade" (Position Paper) produced by ISWGHS.The speaker would also welcome advice and guidance from IASS members on the future work program and collaboration opportunities.

About the instructor
Haoyi Chen is the Coordinator of the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys. Before she joined the current position in September 2019, she led the programme on international migration statistics at the UN Statistics Division. She has also worked on various statistical areas including gender statistics, population censuses, civil registration and vital statistics. She holds a Ph.D degree in Statistics from the University of Florida.