01 - 03 Apr 2023

Minicourse - LACSC 2023

Date 01 - 03 Apr 2023
Time 14:00 (GMT+02:00) - 18:00 (GMT+02:00)
Level of instruction Intermediate
Paula Moraga
Natalia da Silva
Registration fee
Free of charge

Minicourse 1: Geospatial Data Science using R.
Paula Moraga - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
(KAUST), Saudi Arabia.
(Lima City local time - UCT-GMT)

Minicourse 2: Introduction to Statistical learning using tidymodels R package.
Natalia da Silva - Instituto de Estadística- Universidad de la República (IESTA-UDELAR), Uruguay.
(Lima City local time - UCT-GMT)

Watch the recordings here:


Paula Moraga
Paula Moraga

About the instructor

Paula is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), and the Principal Investigator of the Geospatial Statistics and Health Surveillance (GeoHealth) research group. Her research focuses on the development of innovative statistical methods and computational tools for geospatial data analysis and health surveillance. She develops spatial and spatio-temporal statistical methods to understand the geographic and temporal patterns of diseases, assess their relationship with potential risk factors, detect clusters, measure inequalities, and evaluate the impact of interventions. She also works on the development of statistical software and interactive visualization applications for reproducible research and communication, and the impact of my work has directly informed strategic policy in reducing the burden of diseases such as malaria and cancer in several countries.

Natalia da Silva
Natalia da Silva

About the instructor

Natalia is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at the Universidad de la República in Montevideo (UDELAR-IESTA). She obtained my Ph.D. degree in Statistics at Iowa State University on July 2017 working with Di Cook and Heike Hofmann. Her interests are: supervised learning methods, prediction, exploratory data analysis, statistical graphics, reproducible research and meta-analysis. She is the co-founder of R-Ladies-Ames and R-Ladies-Montevideo. She is working in different initiatives to get a stronger and bigger R community in Latin America. If you want to know more about the R community across Latin America, check R Fordwards post.