Membership Fees


2025 Fees

Also see the methods of payment we provide, and the low and middle income countries and regions that the ISI adheres to.

*  UMIE = Upper Middle-Income Economies.  Reduced dues are available for members living in economies and regions with a GNI per capita at or lower than $14,005 as calculated by the World Bank, Atlas method.  The ISI and its seven ISI Association adhere to this effective from 1 January to 31 December 2025.  The country/region of residence determines the membership fee. 

All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
ISI --- Individual memberships
ISI Elected (incl. one free ISI Association)   
(BS & IASC members have to add the journal price, see below)
For each additional ISI Association please add       
(BS & IASC members have to add the journal price, see below)
Bernoulli Journal --- online (BS members with an ISI Elected membership)37191212
CSDA - online, (IASC members with an ISI Elected membership), add26131313
ISI Elected --- Life membership (*) Please see bottom of the page for the scale.Please send an email to [email protected].
ISI Regular --- Basic fee105n.a.45n.a.
ISI Regular --- with an ISI Association90n.a.40n.a.
ISI Regular --- Younger than 35 years old, or student60n.a.35n.a.
ISI Regular --- Organisation has an ISI Inst./Corporate membership65n.a.35n.a.
Bernoulli Society (BS) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
BS --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online (basic fee)84343434
BS 1st year --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online42343434
BS Postdocs (for two years) --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online42423434
BS Students --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online30301212
BS-IMS-ISI --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online + IMS journals205205205205
BS-IMS --- (invoiced by IMS), incl. Bernoulli + SPA online + IMS journalsUS$ 154US$ 154US$ 154US$ 154
BS-IMS Life-ISI --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online + IMS journals135135135135
BS --- Life membershipPlease send an email to [email protected]
International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
IAOS (basic fee)60n.a.40n.a.
IAOS - organisation has an IAOS Institutional membership20n.a.20n.a.
IAOS - SJIAOS Authors (Note they no longer receive free membership)30n.a20n.a.
IAOS - Student50n.a.25n.a.
International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
IASC --- incl. online CSDA, hard copy is optional (basic fee)60n.a.25n.a.
IASC student --- incl. online CSDA, hard copy is optional (basic fee)25n.a.25n.a.
International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
IASE (basic fee)70502525
IASE Teachers50n.a.20n.a.
IASE Students35n.a.10n.a.
International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
IASS (basic fee)60n.a.35n.a.
International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
ISBIS (basic fee)50n.a.30n.a.
ISBIS Students30n.a.12n.a.
The International Environmetrics Society (TIES) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
TIES (basic fee)60n.a.40n.a.
TIES Students35n.a.20n.a.
Publications All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
International Statistical Review --- online (free for ISI Elected and ISI Regular members)0000
International Statistical Review --- online16161616
International Statistical Review --- hard copy26262626
International Statistical Review --- hard copy + online42424242
Bernoulli Journal --- hard copy + online (non BS members)64342020
Bernoulli Journal --- online (BS members with an ISI Elected membership)37191212
Bernoulli Journal --- hard copy (BS members)271588
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis --- online CSDA, hard copy is optional (IASC members with an ISI Elected membership)26131313
Environmetrics --- online145145145145
Significance --- hard copy4040n.a.n.a.
Significance --- onlinen.a.n.a.1515

2025 fees n.a. = not applicable

Also see the methods of payment we provide.

2024 Fees

Also see the methods of payment we provide, and the low and middle income countries and regions that the ISI adheres to.

* UMIE = Upper Middle-Income Economies. Reduced dues are available for members living in economies and regions with a GNI per capita at or lower than $13,845 as calculated by the World Bank, Atlas method. The ISI and its seven ISI Association adheres to this effective from 1 January to 31 December 2024. The country/region of residence determines the membership fee.

2024 fees n.a. = not applicable
All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
ISI --- Individual memberships
ISI Elected (incl. one free ISI Association) 
(BS & IASC members have to add the journal price, see below)
For each additional ISI Association please add     
(BS & IASC members have to add the journal price, see below)
ISI Elected --- Life membership (*) Please see bottom of the page for the scale.Please send an email to [email protected].
ISI Regular --- Basic fee98n.a.42n.a.
ISI Regular --- with an ISI Association73n.a.32n.a.
ISI Regular --- Younger than 35 years old, or student52n.a.32n.a.
ISI Regular --- Organisation has an ISI Inst./Corporate membership62n.a.32n.a.
Bernoulli Society (BS) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
BS --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online (basic fee)84343434
BS 1st year --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online42343434
BS Postdocs (for two years) --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online42n.a.34n.a.
BS Students --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online30n.a.12n.a.
BS-IMS-ISI --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online + IMS journals198198198198
BS-IMS --- (invoiced by IMS), incl. Bernoulli + SPA online + IMS journalsUS$ 154US$ 154US$ 154US$ 154
BS-IMS Life-ISI --- incl. Bernoulli + SPA online + IMS journals127127127127
BS --- Life membershipPlease send an email to [email protected]
International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
IAOS (basic fee)50n.a.30n.a.
IAOS - organisation has an IAOS Institutional membership10101010
IAOS --- Authors of SJIAOS receive one free year0000
IAOS - Student40n.a.25n.a.
International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
IASC --- incl. online CSDA, hard copy is optional (basic fee)60n.a.25n.a.
IASC student --- incl. online CSDA, hard copy is optional (basic fee)25n.a.25n.a.
International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
IASE (basic fee)55401717
IASE Teachers40n.a.17n.a.
IASE Students30n.a.8n.a.
International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
IASS (basic fee)50n.a.25n.a.
International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
ISBIS (basic fee)50n.a.30n.a.
ISBIS Students30n.a.12n.a.
The International Environmetrics Society (TIES) All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
TIES (basic fee)40n.a.27n.a.
TIES Students25n.a.12n.a.
Publications All prices in €High Income EconomiesHigh Income Economies - RetiredLow to UMIE*Low to UMIE* - Retired
International Statistical Review --- online (free for ISI Elected and ISI Regular members)0000
International Statistical Review --- online16161616
International Statistical Review --- hard copy24242424
International Statistical Review --- hard copy + online40404040
Bernoulli Journal --- hard copy + online (non BS members)64342020
Bernoulli Journal --- online (BS members with an ISI Elected membership)37191212
Bernoulli Journal --- hard copy (BS members)271588
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis --- online CSDA, hard copy is optional (IASC members with an ISI Elected membership)26131313
Environmetrics --- online145145145145
Significance --- hard copy4040n.a.n.a.
Significance --- onlinen.a.n.a.1515

Also see the methods of payment we provide.

Life membership for ISI Elected members

ISI Elected members can pay a life membership fee. The fee is calculated according to the following scale:

Age on 31 December of the preceding yearLump sum
Younger than 4025 × annual dues
40–44 years20 × annual dues
45–49 years18 × annual dues
50–54 years16 × annual dues
55–59 years14 × annual dues
60–64 years12 × annual dues
65–69 years10 × annual dues
70–74 years8 × annual dues
75–79 years6 × annual dues
80 years and above4 × annual dues