Stephen Stigler
2003 – 2005
Stephen M. Stigler

Stephen M. Stigler is an American statistician and historian of statistics. He is known for his contributions to statistical theory and methodology, particularly in the field of historical statistics. 

Dennis Trewin
2001 – 2003
Dennis Trewin

Dennis Trewin, an Australian former public servant, held the position of Australian Statistician, leading the Australian Bureau of Statistics during his tenure.

Jean-Louis Bodin
1999 – 2001
Jean-Louis Bodin

Jean-Louis Bodin is the former ISI President, former IAOS President and retired from INSEE, the French National statistical Institute.


Willem A. Zwet
1997 – 1999
Willem A. Zwet

Willem A. Zwet was a Dutch mathematician and statistician. He is known for his contributions to the field of stochastic processes, particularly in the area of probability theory. Zwet has made significant research contributions in the study of martingales, random fields, and semimartingales.

The Netherlands
Sir David Cox
1995 – 1997
David Cox

David Cox was a British statistician and educator. Notable among his contributions are logistic regression, the proportional hazards model, and the Cox process.


Jayanta Kumar Ghosh
1993 – 1995
Jayanta Kumar Ghosh

Jayanta Kumar Ghosh, an Indian statistician, was a distinguished emeritus professor at the Indian Statistical Institute and also held a professorship in statistics at Purdue University.

Frederick Mosteller
1991 – 1993
Frederick Mosteller

Frederick Mosteller, an esteemed American mathematician, was widely regarded as one of the foremost statisticians of the 20th century.

Gunnar Kulldorff
1989 – 1991
Gunnar Kulldorff

Gunnar Kulldorff was a Swedish statistician, specializing in estimation theory, survey sampling and order statistics. 

Ivan Fellegi
1987 – 1989
Ivan Fellegi

Ivan Fellegi is an honorary member of the International Statistical Institute, of the Statistical Society of Canada and an honorary Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.

1985 – 1987
1985 – 1987
Sigeiti Moriguti

Sigeiti Moriguti was a Japanese statistician.
