Martin Liermann

Martin Liermann has worked at the National Marine Fisheries in Seattle as a quantitative ecologist since 1997 and is affiliate faculty in the University of Washington’s Statistics department. He received a BA in mathematics, and an MS in mathematics and environmental sciences at Humboldt State University (Arcata California) in 1989 and 1991. He completed his Ph.D. in quantitative ecology and resource management at the University of Washington (Seattle Washington) in 1999.

Ashley Steel

Ashley Steel worked as a statistician and an ecologist for the US Government from 1999 – 2018. 

She served as Team Lead for Landscape Ecology and Recovery Science (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA) and Lead Statistician for the PNW Research Station (US Forest Service). 

She recently entered the world of official statistics at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) where she works in forest product statistics. 

Prof. Edward L. Boone

Edward is Professor of Statistics at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond Virginia USA, and has been teaching Statistics for 17 years. 

He has been very active in researchin Statistics as has a passion for teaching. Learning should be fun and complex ideas should be presented first from an intuitive approach. 

He is currently the Publications Officer for the Section onStatistical Consulting of the American Statistical Association and the President Elect for the Southern Regional Council on Statistics.

Prof. Delia North

Delia is Professor in Statistics at, and Dean and Head of, the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. 

She has over 30 years of experience in teaching Statistics, and has become a leading figure in Statistics Education circles, nationally and internationally (Chair: South African Statistical Association Education Committee for 17 years; Vice President: International Association of Statistics Education; Master Trainer: Maths4stats for schools). 

Dr. Ann Maharaj

Ann is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia where she lectured for 30 years from February 1990 until her retirement in July 2020. 

Prior to that she lectured for 11 years, first in the Department of Mathematics and then in the Department of Statistics at the University of Durban-Westville in South Africa (now part of the University of KwaZulu-Natal).