Joining the ISI has enriched my professional life and offered a platform to expand my network of research collaborations.

Ksenija Dumicic  Leader of Postgraduate Study in Statistics
Ksenija Dumicic
Leader of Postgraduate Study in Statistics, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economic and Business

The study and advancement of statistics naturally occurs on an international scale!

What better way to contribute to our discipline than by networking and collaborating with others from around the world. This can be concisely achieved by joining the ISI.

Kimberly F. Sellers  Associate Professor of Statistics  Georgetown University
Kimberly F. Sellers
Associate Professor of Statistics, Georgetown University
TIES Abdel El-Shaarawi Early Investigator’s Award (AEEI)

The award was established through a motion of the Board of Directors in 2001, and the subsequent definition of the nature of the award:

I move that as a fitting recognition of, and show of appreciation for, Abdel’s outstanding contribution and dedication to TIES, he be honored by our establishment of an annual award or lectureship in his name.

— Francis Philbert

The prestigious AEEI award 2019 is granted to an early investigator, who is a TIES member for the previous and actual year of the award conferment, and has received their PhD within 12 years of the submission deadline for nominations. The award includes:

  1. Certificate,
  2. TIES/WSC conference registration (it depends on which conference takes place on that particular year),
  3. Cash award (€1000).

The award recipient is invited to make a presentation at the regional TIES or WSC conference.

IASC Development Fund

The IASC Development Fund supports young researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are IASC members as deemed appropriate by the IASC Executive Committee.

IASC Young Researcher Travel Fund

The IASC Young Researcher Travel Fund provides partial travel support to young IASC members from low and middle income countries aged 35 or younger to attend an IASC-sponsored event (such as a conference, workshop, school, or other). Preference will be given to young researchers from these countries who are in financial need and actively participate at the event as a speaker, poster presenter, or in another active role.

IASS Cochran-Hansen Prize Fund

The prize is awarded every two years for the best paper on survey research methods submitted by a young statistician from a low and middle income countries or transition country. The Cochran- Hansen Prize consists of books and journal subscriptions in the value of € 500. In addition, the prize winner is invited to present his/her paper at the World Statistics Congress of the ISI. The fund will be used to buy books and to cover awardee’s travel expenses to attend the WSC.

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BS Young Researchers Outreach Fund

The fund finances the travel and accommodation of young researchers from low and middle income countries (as per the World Bank classification) to attend the Bernoulli-IMS 10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics (12–16 July 2021), including the Pre-meeting for Young Researchers (17–18 July 2021), in Seoul, South Korea.

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BS General Fund

Donations to this Fund go to support the organization as a whole and not into a specific fund. Examples include travel costs for named speakers at World Conference, and BS Open Access Journal contributions.