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DG Kendall Award

This Prize for excellent young researchers, who are members of either the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) or the Bernoulli Society (BS), is awarded every 2 years, alternating between probability and mathematical statistics. Its name honours David G. Kendall, who was the first BS president and was awarded the Guy Medal in Silver (1955) and in Gold (1981) of the RSS.

The prize will be presented at a major BS conference (typically the Bernoulli-IMS World Congress or the ISI WSC) or an RSS conference (as specified by the applicant).

The Award is based on donations through this ISI donations page, the ISI Webshop, and through the Royal Statistical Society (RSS; a UK registered charity).

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ISI Fund for the Women’s Statistical Literacy Project

The ISI Statistical Capacity Building (SCB) Committee invites ISI members to support, through donations, the project “Women’s Statistical Literacy” (WSL). The aim is to increase statistical literacy of women in low and middle income countries, through hands-on courses devoted to increasing statistical skills in data management and visualization, using basic statistical tools and open source software.

The project stems from the work started by Eric Vance, member of the SCB Committee and founder of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (LISA), and Tinuke Adebanji who organized a workshop in Kumasi (Ghana) on “Building Capacity of Female Scientists in Data Analysis for Decision Making and Strategic Planning”. The ISI SCB Committee is planning to organize a second course in Ghana and is looking for new locations in Africa and elsewhere.

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ISI General Donations Fund

The ISI General Donation Fund is used for the promotion of the statistical profession. Examples are promotional videos and materials.

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ISI Outreach Fund

The ISI Outreach Fund enables statisticians from low and middle income countries to participate in the ISI World Statistics Congress and other events. The participants are selected on the basis of their contributions and expected impact on the statistical capacity in their home country.


The International Statistical Institute invites young members of both the ISI and IBS to submit applications for the opportunity to participate as ISI Young Ambassador in the 32nd International Biometrics Conference (IBC 2024) to be held in Georgia, USA from 8 – 13 December 2024.

This call is open to all young ISI members. There will be at least one recipient from low and middle income countries and regions. The selected ISI Young Ambassadors will participate and present their work to help promote collaboration between the young statisticians of ISI and IBS. 

ISI Young Ambassadors to IBS Award winners will be invited to support campaigns and participate in the ambassadorial activities for the ISI in the following year.

Applications should be submitted by completing online Submission Form.

For further information, please contact us.

Young ambassadors
Stuart A. Rice
Stuart A. Rice

Stuart Rice strived to make the ISI the umbrella for all kinds of statistical interests and activities, which is reflected by the current seven ISI Associations as well as the breadth of conferences, meetings and publications.


The ISI Service Awards are presented to members who have made outstanding contributions to the ISI and the international statistical community. They are selected every two years by the ISI Executive Committee and are presented at the Awards Ceremony during the World Statistical Congress (WSC).

Karl Theodor von Inama Sternegg
Karl von Inama-Sternegg

Karl von Inama-Sternegg was a German-Austrian political scientist, statistician and economic historian. From 1899 to 1908, he was the second President of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), succeeding Rawson William. 

Luigi Bodio
Luigi Bodio

Luigi Bodio was one of the “founding fathers” of the ISI and chaired it since 1909. At the time of the first meeting of the ISC, he was president of the Italian Superior Statistical Council and a senator.

John Arbuthnot
John Arbuthnot

Famous for test of hypothesis of gender ratio